Ditch The Stroller!
The ‘schlepper; (what we affectionately call the Freeloader in our family) helped us complete several really fun hikes on the remainder of our trip, including a memorable 12 mile loop at Glacier NP which took us properly off the beaten path to see amazing views and a herd of bighorn sheep." And are you able to add the picture of that map? I think it will go a long way in illustrating what the Freeloader allows families to do.
Tom A.
Hi We want to thank you for inventing Freeloader. Our son has Duchenne muscular dystrophy and there was no chance to take him to the mountains. But with Freeloader everything is possible
Sending love from Slovakia
Creating Family Memories on Vacation
It worked great for our trip to Italy!
Angie S.
The Freeloader Summits Kilimanjaro
Zy Lee, the youngest disabled person to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro, pictured in his Freeloader with his father, Chef Walter Lee.
Great for Outdoor Events
The Freeloader: Trial by fire at the Houston Rodeo - Passed with flying colors lol👍🏻
Kerry L.
Eric Ditches his Wheelchair for a Walk
My 10-year-old Eric has an amazing wheelchair, that can get him lots of places, but without a Freeloader he would never have been through the woods to the cornfield we can see on the hill behind our house.
Lloyd R.
Wanted to let you guys know that we used our Freeloader today at the HeartBeat 5000 in Minneapolis, MN. It is a run/walk to raise money for the Children's Heart Clinic patients. I am so thankful we had the freeloader with us!
The little guy on my back has THREE congenital heart defects and was able to walk about half the 5k himself at age 5, but then pooped out! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for allowing us to keep taking him with us wherever we go! - Love, Blake's Racin' Hearts 5k Team
Beth R.
We hiked around the mysterious Teotihuacán Pyramids built in 300 BC.
Elizabeth N.
The Freeloader in Colorado & New Mexico
I would like to thank the team for getting us our carrier in a timely fashion. We used it multiple times on our trip to Colorado and New Mexico - even when we were hiking and as a back up for Carlsbad Caverns.
The first day my 9 year old son overexerted himself at 13,000 feet and got altitude sickness so I had to carry him down. He's a healthy 70 lbs and the unit worked perfectly.Thank goodness I had my free loader with me. I ended up carrying him down the mountain first and running back up to carry my daughter down.
A few days later on Rabbit Mountain my 5 yr old daughter hit her limit and fell asleep while hiking down. The straps kept her in and we all were able to enjoy the mountains and still get around. The free loader was amazing and allowed us extra time to enjoy the beauty even after our youngest was too tired to keep trekking.
Herman Wienan
I have to say that I was a bit skeptical when I first looked at this child carrier as most of them don’t live up to their claims and especially the ones made for toddlers. Thankfully, the freeloader delivers on its promises.
It feels great on my back and evenly distributes my baby’s weight, which makes a huge difference, especially when you’re out for long periods of time. The 5 point harness was simple to use, while also feeling safe. Best of all, it’s light weight and strong. This is one of my best finds of 2015 and I highly recommend it!
Lisa Ann Thomas
Great for the Airport
The Freeloader has been a great child carrier! It is perfect for long travel days in airports and going on hikes. It is comfortable for me and my children love to ride in it.
Sara Z.
Wow is all I can say about this company. We had a need and they delivered. Our daughter Jaelynns Journey is paralyzed and it was hard to take hikes. She has a Trackchair but it will not fit in narrow paths. Can't say enough thanks we love the product and hope to use it more often than not!!!! Thanks again
Cory P.